Thursday, April 28, 2005


As time goes on, and one thing leads to another, as is always in life (follow?), I dig down deep inside of myself and wonder what the hell this life is all about, anyway! Recent weekend editions of Larry King Live have been about the Afterlife and the existence of God. Sadly, still there seem to be more questions asked then answered ... I like Larry's show, but don't watch it that often. Usually, I forget to turn to CNN ... He had cutie gay actor Chad Allen (Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, Our House), along with Linda Dano and others on last week on the subject of DEPRESSION ... and as always, Linda Dano moved me almost to tears. It's just the actresses' honesty plus her physical and spiritual BEAUTY .... You'd swear she just reaches right out of the television and touches you, so sicere she is. I may write her or write about her one of these days. Her husband and mother's death's were one-after-the-other and this was the beginning of her depression, but I tell you, Ms Dano and Mr. cutie made me feel less alone by admitting their bouts with depression.


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