Friday, June 27, 2008

Tissue Issues

Cousin Roland, of all people (!) called and left me a birthday message on my home machine this week, my birthday week, despite the fact that he has been dismissed as a friend by me now! What a damned piece of work my ex-best friend and first cousin is ... He will not lift a hand to aid my return to Toronto, will not LISTEN to me when I try to share my ideas about a future in Ontario, plans for work etc, yet he leaves me a voice mail in a tone and manner that would suggest we were still good as gold and as close as we were before he chose not to help me when I needed a temporary place to stay until I got back on my feet as the 1990s came to a close. Sometimes I would swear the freaking asshole has as many ISSUES as RollingStones magazine!
Why can't people just BE THERE for each other? FFS!

Damn .... This crap makes a grown man wanna cry ...