Sunday, October 26, 2008

Time Will Reveal

Anita Baker serenades with "I Apologize" as I write this and reflect on recent goings-on. Wish that there was something to report really - some BIG, great change, but besides getting two teeth pulled in five days or less and my first teeth cleaning at this late age, it's pretty much the same ole shit. Well, the federal election has come and gone and I made a point of going out to cast my vote, but alas, my man did not get in. So now, Canada is in a similar position as the United States has been with two terms of the same "leader". One of those things that makes you go "hmmmmmm?" ... Politics! A rich man's game in the end? All I know is that, for me at least, I do not keep politicians and lawyers too far apart in my mind's compartmentalizing. Can there truly be a non-corrupt politician at the highest end of the spectrum; is the whole system itself a corrupt machine making monsters of men of good intent? Moreover, what will happen next month in the United States, now that their long drawn-out process of electing the head of state is coming down to the casting of votes aka Election Day? Obama or McCain? Sometimes I think it's pretty clear who WILL get elected as the President of the USA but then, another day passes, and the wind blows in another direction, my belief of the final winner changed. I do know that if Mr. Obama is actually elected the first African-American (half-) of the US the scape changes drastically. I'm thinking security concerns here. There are so many anti-black, and closeted racists in North America and the world over. This I have experienced first hand, but what happens when a major country such as the States has a Black man as it' Chief? Will there be need for a Secret Secret Secret Secret Service? You would think that because it is 2008, in the 21st century there would naturally be more progress in the way of race-relations, tolerance and understanding. But, sadly, yet obviously, bigotry is inbred and slow to change; highly resistant. Quite a troubling issue ... Where is the evolution for this new millennium. I too have A DREAM!

Well, I am not in too much physical pain now at all due to the dental situation, thankfully (let's hope it stays that way!) but having a teeth pulled, one on both sides of my mouth, leads to a hard time eating for the first going-off. However, I have been making the best of it though, rinsing with warm salt water (ewwwwwww) at least twice a day and lightly brushing with toothpaste at least once a day this first after while. What is also good is the fact that my "smile-line" remains in tact. So if that later-in-life tv and film acting career kicks in, or my late starter recording artist success occurs by some tiny miracle, then ...(like Tevin Campbell said: ) I'm ready!

Been talking to a cute blonde guy locally via a dating site, initially and now on IM, but the timing has been off with my dental crisis for meeting, firstly, then when I was at the public library, very close to where he said he lives, on two occasions, he's not been "in the mood" for meeting, or up to it for whatever reason. Too bad, he was actually on vacation for a bit until this past week. I don't know, I have this feeling in the back of my mind that he is going to be "swishy and a bit effeminate" ...just enough to be TOO MUCH for me. Time will reveal, hopefully.


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