Damn, I hate being so lonely. It's been over ten years since I have had a boyfriend. Who knew my life would turn out this way. Quit dead-end job (no regrets). Float for a year or so. Lose apartment because I should have got new rental agreement in writing and not trusted the verbal. Another year moving from one dysfunctional roommate situation to another, until finally, having to give in to the thing I wasso trying to avoid - moving in with my brother and his wife. The fighting couple. Eventually getting a front room in a rooming house. Over-priced and including insects in the kitchen (never used it) and rodents in the walls. Kept me up all night. Until finally I couldn't take it anymore and returned to my native Nova Scotia, accepting my mom's long-standing invitation.
Here I have been since maybe 2000. No friends. No work. (They just won't hire me here!) No love. No romance. And maybe 3-4 instances of sex with another person!
This is my life. Well, I used to have a life in Toronto. This is my existence. THIS is why I need to follow my dreams, my heart, my desires and needs. Sure, I will travel for love. Who will love me? Who the fuck will love me?