Friday, November 04, 2005

If This Time Is The Last Time ...

This we learn about USERS and how you cannot really rely on anybody but self.

Darien says:
U must know, I shall be your mate forever more ... I will never leave you now ...
and of course, that was a complete lie. I wonder if he knew so at the time? Did he have in mind the betrayal he would lay down in months 4 months? WTF?

Mom has had a bladder operation and is in the hospital. Sissy and Layla and I are visiting her later. Adam's mother died Wednesday of lung cancer or something at only 49! The world is all wrong and I'm suffering through a damned drug-hangover! It's starting to get cold outside, and I'm watching Dan Futterman and Alan Cuming in a terrific film, I bought for 1.99 Cdn, called Urbania.

It is so utterly lonely here, almost an ugliness to it. The feeling of remaining stagnant. The lack of love. What does one put in that void? Are there accepted substitutes? Hmmmmmm?

Sonny has locked me out of the chatrooms. He is completely jealous of me and my natural ability to attract others (at least online)! My peers have chosen to stay un-invovled, which of course, makes them extremely invovled. How typical, yet disapointing to the likes of me.

I am afraid I am breaking down or about to have a big break down, since I no longer have Darien to chat with daily, or the chatrooms to fall back on. Darien's updated MYSPACE page suggests that he now is in a relationship! With whom, I wonder. With Sonny maybe...he is of the persuasion Darien is attracted to alot .... Maybe they had set out to destroy me all along, from the beginning ... One never knows!


Blogger White Buffalo Woman Goes Singing said...

I feel with you, my dear.

It may not seem like it, but I KNOW for a fact we are never truly alone. Angels watch our every deed, listen to our every thought and word. There is more.

We are often watched and cared for by people from the other side...I mean those that have crossed over...I'm speaking of those who have passed away. In moments of dire need, these folks can help us too, but overall it is not good to call them to you unless it is an emergency.

It would be good for you to write your dreams on a daily basis. Then get the book "Mary Summer Rain's Guide to Dream Symbols" sold now in bookstores for about $18. You might get it much cheaper online. Every day keep a pencil and paper by the bed, and if you can write down even just the date, the moment you awaken, and try not to move too much from the position you were sleeping in, you will be doing well. In about two weeks you will have much to assist your spirits.

You are right, there is much wrong with the world today, but there is also much we can do about it. Please check out my blog and let me know what you think. The most important entry is "In a nutshell." Looking forward to your input.

There is assistance also with weight control, look under "God's children and sugar." I guarantee what's said there will improve your life overall.

I am willing to be an online friend for you. Hope to hear from you soon.

5:45 AM  

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