Sunday, June 11, 2006

Any Way You Can

Wow! I have a third reader of the blog. Welcome and thank you for taking time out of your life to read my thoughts ... ~

Man, it was a very rough weekend for me, health-wise. I hope to findout what is wrong with me this week, or at least get the blood tests done. Sometimes it feels that, yes, I AM getting weaker. Of course I do have my ideas, but that is the price you pay for being somewhat knowledgable.

This is a diary of me trying to completely stop over-the-counter sleep aids. Ot should I say, it's a journal of me COPING as I do absolutely STOP?!!!

TO DO This Week

~ Go get blood tests done - FINALLY!
~ Buy new supply of iron supplements
~ Take Uncle's document to Sissy's for word-processing ASAP!
~ Call Mom
~ Do something with hair


Blogger White Buffalo Woman Goes Singing said...

To kick addictions, I've found it is always easier when one is free of sugar. This goes for ANY addiction, surprise! Reduce your sugar intake as much as possible, and it should make getting clear of pills easier on the body.

Instead of iron supplements, might you try juicing? Three times a day of the most nutrition Earth can provide can make a huge difference in one's life. Plus, it's delicious! A good machine is required, perhaps found at a second-hand store inexpensively.

I enjoyed your input, you communicate well. Please continue!

5:33 AM  

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